Security UC Club

A place for students to learn about

Founded at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (UC-Chile), Security UC Club (SUCC) is the biggest computer security student organization in Latin America, aiming to become the paramount setting for students to get involved in computer security research, privacy, encryption and public policy.

in collaboration with



> A beacon for

We aim to become security pioneers at a collegiate level, providing a home for organizations, students and faculty to extend and develop research and projects that push for safer software.

300+ Candidates from various universities all over Chile have participated in our hacking competitions.
Top 5 Security was a top 5 area of interest according to an in-campus poll that surveyed nearly 200 students.
+$5,000 In grants have been recieved from leading security companies, most notably Nivel 4 and Acid Labs.
150+ Students arrived to our lecture in the Introductory Computer Science class at UC-Chile.


> Check out what we have been

Members of the Security UC Club are students that have published research, interned in security companies and developed privacy software libraries - here are some of our recent spotlights.

New channel showing a demonstration of a security breach


Hack.ING 2024

Hack.ING 2024 is the 3rd edition of biggest CTF organized by students in Latin America. It bought together 270 participants of multiple universities from around the country and Latin America, made posible by the support of our sponsors like Fintual and GitHub.

Security UC Club

- UC Chile
Image of a markdown document with CTF instructions


International Cybersecuirty Championship

“I competed in the International Cybersecurity Championship (ICC) 2023 in San Diego, California. Teams representing each continent compete yearly in the ICC, a Capture The Flag competition that comprises a set of computer security challenges, including reverse engineering, memory corruption vulnerabilities, cryptography, web technologies, and more. I served as the memory corruption specialist for Team LATAM in the Jeopardy CTF and as the KoTH specialist in the A/D CTF.”

Caetano Borges

- San Diego, CA
Image of a markdown document with CTF instructions

Exploit Research

Exploiting the core libraries for the GNU and Linux systems

“I have done 'PWN' in CTFs for a couple of years. I've used what I've learned competing to do security research and created a novel bypass for one of the strongest security mitigations in glibc, the most widely-used and base library of the C programming language.”

Caetano Borges

- GitHub
Lecture in an auditorium, showing JavaScript code

University Lecture

Lecturing on Computer Security for +150 undergraduate students

“I was invited by Professor Jorge Munoz-Gamma as a lecturer for his Computer Science Introductory Class (IIC1005) at UC-Chile. I was able to demostrate a JavaScript exploit, teach mitigation practices and advice on correct vulnerability reporting to over 150 students.”

Nicolas Berrios

- UC-Chile
New channel showing a demonstration of a security breach

TV Appearance

Featuring on a Security Broadcast Special on Primetime National News

Mega, one of the biggest national TV channels, invited us to a broadcast special to demostrate recent security breaches suffered by multiple organizations in our country. We were able to recreate their internal server and malware in action.”

Fernando Smith, Agustin Covarrubias

- Meganoticias


> What we plan

We are partnering with leading software companies to expand our knowledge and involve students into the study of computer security by creating workshops, lectures and competitions.

Workshops With leading faculty and students, involving peers in novel security research approaches and tools.
Capture The Flag Competitions to learn about exploits, mitigation of memory corruption, encryption and steganoghraphy problems.
Research Creating a network of undergraduate and graduate security researchers that collaborate and share knowledge.
Lectures Sharing our knowledge through lectures in various computer courses in order to encourage students to push for a wider variety of cibersecurity courses.

> Interested in joining the Security UC Club?

Join us at one of our events or "hack us" by solving the following challenge. We'll get back to you in less than 24 hours. Good luck!

Hack us